Steadily increasing funding supports research that improves lives in NH and beyond


Space Science Center researchers work on a NASA-funded project in a clean room at 主要研究.

主要研究 closed fiscal year 2023 with $210 million in competitive research funding, supporting projects that expand our understanding of the world and improve lives in New Hampshire and beyond. 的资金, 来自联邦机构, 国家的合作者, 商业,工业和私人基金会, 在不到十年的时间里增长了一倍.

“These dollars signal confidence in our capacity to find solutions to some of the world’s most vexing issues.”

“来自各个学校的永利app新版本官网地址, 大学, center and discipline across the university contribute to this steady increase in research funding,玛丽安·麦考德说, 联合国大学研究高级副教务长, 经济接触和外联. “These dollars signal confidence in our capacity to find solutions to some of the world’s most vexing issues.”



  • An interdisciplinary National Institutes of 健康-funded project that aims to develop 社交辅助机器人 帮助老年痴呆症患者;
  • 美国宇航局资助的研究,以更好地了解 伽马射线暴, some of the largest and most distant releases of energy in the known universe;
  • NH GRANIT的一项倡议 地图宽带覆盖 in the state of New Hampshire, funded by a $1 million contract from the N.H. 工商及经济事务部;
  • 理解 气候变化对缅因湾生态系统的影响, funded by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the Office of Naval 研究;
  • 探索如何 北极的永久冻土正在融化 could affect lakes, streams and ultimately climate change, funded by the U.S. 能源部;
  • A 为72名K-12教师举办的研讨会, 由国家人文基金会资助, to extend the findings of 主要研究’s Great Bay Archaeological Survey to students nationwide.

地球研究所, 海洋, 和空间(EOS), 主要研究最大的研究中心, 获得了124美元.600万美元,这是23财年外部资金的最大份额. 健康与人类服务学院获得了2100万美元. 工程与物理科学学院的经费为17美元.7 million; the 生命科学学院 and 农业 received $10.7 million; $8.700万美元给了文理学院,5美元.500万美元捐给联合国卫生组织合作推广部.700万给曼彻斯特大学,1美元.100万美元捐给保罗学院和小企业发展中心.

The federal government was the largest source of funding, sending $141.800万美元给联合国大学,由美国宇航局牵头(66美元).美国国家海洋和大气管理局(NOAA)(140万美元).900万美元),美国国家科学基金会(15万美元).700万美元),卫生与公众服务部(13万美元).400万).

In addition, competitive grants and contracts from various New Hampshire state agencies ($8.7 million) support 主要研究 researchers who expand the state’s capacity to address issues in health, 运输, 环境等等. Industry partners tapped 主要研究 research expertise to advance their business goals with $10.800万年.

Expanding competitive funding for research is essential to maintaining the 卡内基分类法R1 状态, 这使得永利app新版本官网地址成为全国顶尖的研究型大学, 推进一个制度目标,成为一个 排名前25的公立大学.

External grants and awards fund specific research projects and are carefully accounted for through a robust compliance process mandated by grantors. In addition to major scientific instruments and laboratory supplies, a significant share of external funding supports scholarships and salaries for graduate and undergraduate students, 博士后研究人员和教职员工. The new knowledge generated through research projects improves education by bringing new ideas and theories into the classroom, 加深对世界的理解, 解决本地和全球挑战,推动经济发展.

联合国大学的研究经费和研究支出, 用于进行研究的资金, 稳步上升.



杰里米Gasowski | 主要研究营销 | 杰里米 | 603-862-4465